We’re halfway through the year, and now is a wonderful time to reflect and ground before moving through the year's second half.
The 20th-21st of June is the Summer Solstice when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. As we transition to the longer days, this is a reminder from the sun of the importance of nourishment. Just like the sun nourishes the crops with its light, it’s time for us to nurture those we love in our lives. Summer is the time to bring more joy and hope into our lives, and it serves to remind us that even on the darkest days, we can find hope and light.
In paganism, the Solstice is called Litha (also known as Midsummer’s Day). Litha is considered a time when faerie folk pass into the human world and offer blessings. This time is believed to be the most sacred sabbats of the year, and is all about light, celebrating abundance, the beauty of Mother Earth and bountiful harvests.
Today I’m sharing with you 6 simple rituals to honour the solstice:
1. See the Sunrise or Sunset

On the longest day of the year, this is a fantastic time to see either the sunrise or the sunset. If you can hack it, I would 100% say go see the sunrise! And if it’s possible for you, this could be an opportunity to go for a wild swim whilst you’re there.
But, if a 4am wake-up is too early for you, the sunset is always an option. Today is the day to honour the sun and all the nourishment it brings us. Even if you can’t get to a sunrise or sunset time, spend some time in the sun and feel the warmth of the sun’s rays on your skin. And don’t forget sunscreen!
2. Get out into Nature
Today is the perfect day to spend some quality time in nature and ground yourself in the beauty of your environment! If you can get out to a park or a big green space, this is the day to soak up all of nature’s medicine.

I invite you to take some mindful moments whilst you’re outside. Tune in to the sounds around you, especially the birds chirping in the trees and the wind rustling the leaves. Notice how the sun feels on your skin and the warmth that spreads throughout your entire body. You can even take your shoes off here and connect your feet to the ground, feeling the earth beneath your feet. Take stock of any smells, especially those that remind you that it’s summer. Witness the beauty of the trees and landscape, taking in your surroundings. I invite you to cycle through these different points, really grounding yourself in the present moment.
And even if all you have time for today is going out into your garden, I encourage you to do so! Take off your shoes, feel your feet on the grass and soak in the nature that’s at your back door.
3. Journal
Reflection through journaling is a fantastic way to check in with yourself and get back in touch with your intuition. Once summer is in full swing, it's important to make sure you're not just being busy for the sake of it, but aligning yourself with your best intentions.
I highly recommend creating a cosy space for yourself beforehand, either at home, outside or in your garden, to get the most out of these journal prompts. You can also choose to do some of them or all of them, or even just do some free writing!
If you set intentions at the start of the year, reflect back on them now. What has come to fruition? Is there anything you’d still like to see materialise?
What has been the highlight of the last 6 months?
What’s the biggest lesson(s) you’ve learnt?
What's the biggest challenge you've overcome?
Where do you feel most nourished in your life?
What area of your life feels most neglected that you’d like to pour more time & love into?
What would you like to see unfold over the next 6 months?
What would you like to be doing more of?
What would you like to be doing less of?
4. Set Some Beautiful Intentions

Setting intentions is a beautiful way to check in with yourself and keep you moving in the right direction. Intentions are positive statements written in the present as if they’ve already happened. They are the paving stones we lay in pursuit of our goals and align us with the person we want to become.
But intentions are not goals! For example, instead of a goal of doing yoga every day, an intention would be “I move my body in ways that feel good.”
Let's begin! On a separate sheet of paper write: “THIS OR SOMETHING BETTER NOW MANIFESTS FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL” at the top.
Look over your journal answers and see if there are any consistent themes. Ask yourself - who do you want to be over the next 6 months? And what phrases will help you align with that person?
If you get stuck, you can use the following prompts:
When presented with X situation, I choose to react in X way
I choose to...
I decide to...
I nourish...
5. Celebrate with Friends and Family!

Today is the perfect day for celebration and for sharing in the abundance of life. Invite friends over for a feast of fresh seasonal produce and share in the abundance of food that’s on offer this time of year. If the weather permits it, you can even have an impromptu BBQ! Or if someone has invited you to a get-together, be sure to bring along some tasty food for the occasion.
Even if you just have time for a picnic lunch with a friend. The solstice is a time to celebrate all the abundance and joy that’s in our life already, and that’s to be shared and felt with others.
6. Pull Some Cards for the Summer Solstice
I wouldn’t be authentic to myself if I didn’t suggest a good tarot spread! I’ve created one below so you can check in with yourself and see what the wisdom of the cards has to offer you.

I hope you all have a magnificent summer solstice wherever you are in the world!
Until next time,
Jess x