When establishing a consistent spiritual practice, tuning into the magic of the moon is incredibly powerful. They allow for constant reflection, planting and cultivation so you can build the life you desire.
As I’ve said in a previous post, the full moon is all about releasing and letting go of what no longer serves us. With the space we’ve created through the magic of the full moon, the new moon allows us to plant new seeds. Here, we create beautiful intentions which become paving stones that we lay in the direction towards our best selves

A ritual doesn’t have to be overly complicated to be effective. I’m going to guide you through a simple new moon ritual that you can do each month, so you can keep walking in the direction you want to go in.
As each moon has its own flavour of what requires your attention, I recommend looking up the individual meaning of that month. I like to use Forever Conscious, Chani Nicholas and Kirsty Gallagher for reference.
You will need:
A journal and pen
Paolo Santo, sage or incense
A separate sheet of paper (or a new page in your journal)
Tarot cards or oracle cards (optional)
Somewhere quiet where you’ll be undisturbed
To begin, cleanse your space with Paolo Santo, sage or incense. If you don’t have any of these to hand, you can always light a candle to set the mood!
1. Meditation
Rituals are a great way to gain clarity, but if your mind is busy, you won’t be able to fully focus on what’s important. Meditation is a great way to centre yourself in the present and ground yourself in your body.
You can either do a guided meditation (my favourite teachers are Davidji, Tara Brach and Sarah Blondin) or do some deep belly breaths to centre yourself before starting. I recommend doing a gentle body scan, focusing on each part of your body and consciously relaxing each point. Keep bringing your attention back to your breath each time your mind wanders for approximately 10-15 minutes.

If sitting meditations aren’t your thing, you can also go for a mindful walk to clear your head beforehand. As you walk, take note of the sensations in your body, particularly the ground under your feet. Notice the sensations of the air on your skin, and the landscape in front of you, and rest your attention on your breath as you do.
2. Journal
Journaling for the new moon helps us uncover the route we’d like to go down, as well as what intentions would best serve us. After clearing the way with the full moon, this moon aligns us with the person we’re meant to be.
I would suggest 10-15 minutes of journaling to begin with and you can always keep going if you’re in the groove. You can either free-write or use the below questions.
What’s out of balance in my life?
Which parts of myself am I ready to say goodbye to?
What would have to change for me to fully embrace the person that I’m meant to be?
What new beginnings am I longing for?
What’s most important to me? How can I bring more of this into my life?
What habits and actions would I like to create that would serve my future self?
What new project/behaviour/ritual have I wanted to start but have been putting off?
3. Set Beautiful Intentions!
Intentions aren’t goals, but they are the stepping stones that we lay in pursuit of our goals, and they help us form better habits and behaviours. Think of them as aligning yourself with the person you want to become whilst you achieve your goals.
From your journal answers, look at any interlocking themes. Think of how you would like the next few weeks to pan out, and what statements will help you go in that direction.

Intentions are positive action statements written in the present moment as if they have already happened. If the goal is to eat healthier food, then the intention is “I nourish my body with food that feeds my soul.” If the goal is to write 10 pages a day, then the intention is “I choose to nourish my creativity and make space for daily creative expression.”
Starting a fresh page in your journal, write at the top “This or something better now manifests for the highest good of all involved.”
Write 3-5 intentions based on your journal answers. Here’s some inspiration to get you started:
I choose to…
I decide to…
I nourish…
When presented with X situation, I choose to respond in X way
Now it's time to read them out loud!
Speaking your intentions out loud (even when it's just by yourself) is the magical catalyst they need to become a reality! This is a great time to share with friends as well if you've decided to do a communal ritual.
4. Sling Some Cards for the New Moon! (optional)
I wouldn’t be a tarot reader if I didn’t also suggest slinging some cards! Tarot cards are a perfect vehicle for grounding you in what’s going on right now so you can move in the direction you want to go in.
You can also use your oracle cards if that’s all you have to hand. You can simply ask your deck “what do I need to know about this moon?” For those with a tarot deck, use the spread below to help chart your course for the weeks ahead.
This step is also optional, so if you don’t have any cards to hand, you can move on to the next step!
5. And relax!
Once you’ve finished your ritual, it’s time to take some time to yourself. Make yourself a delicious meal, read a book, or have a bath. Indulge in an activity that nourishes your soul and fills up your cup.
Keep your intentions somewhere nearby where you can refer to them regularly. This can be during a morning practice or at the end of the day. Speaking them aloud to yourself helps keep them fresh in your mind, and keeps you walking in the direction you want to go in.
As you've started planting seeds, I'd encourage you to keep note of any interesting insights that come to you. Especially anything that’s starting to come to fruition or where you’re starting to get stuck again.
And that’s it! A super simple new moon ritual so you can plant beautiful seeds of intention, and move in the direction that will be most supportive of your livelihood.
I also give personalised tarot readings online, and you can book through the link below:
For more tarot content, you can follow me on Instagram @jessica_sync!